7 Tips To Grow Your Network Marketing Business With Facebook

% Set up a full and complete profile - Set up a full and complete profile including a recent picture of you, adding in at least one of your websites as well as complete information about your
hobbies, interests and business. Make minor changes such as changing your picture, adding videos and photos from time to time.

% Keep it uptodate - Spend at least five minutes keeping your Facebook account up to date. If you have the time it is a good idea to spend 20-30 minutes two or three times a week. However, Facebook can also become a time waster so you must be careful to avoid spending too much time there. Make sure to update your status with something positive that is going on, check out the statuses of your friends and comment on a few of their photos, videos or statuses, as well as to accept any new friend requests you receive.

% Join groups - Join 10-15 groups and actively participate. Post on their walls, add useful links if allowed and videos. Request to be friends with a few members of each group as well.

% Start your own group - Start your own group including a relevant photo, some links, videos, wall posts and other interesting content. Keep your group up to date by adding something new at least once a week. Invite your friends to join your group. Consider hosting at least a monthly teleseminar or other event related to the theme of your group.

% Avoid spam - Avoid spam like the plague. Do not post your network marketing opportunity directly on groups, on walls or in emails to friends. Focus on building relationships and your success on Facebook will come. Whenever you obtain a new friend, take a few minutes to write an interesting and friendly welcome on their wall. Take the time as well, to see what they do and to visit their website. Keep in mind how you can network with the person or see if you can help them out in any way and let them know about it.

% Add useful content - Add new useful content on a regular basis. This includes videos, blog posts on notes and other content others may find interesting and useful. You can also use the Facebook pages feature to create pages featuring your websites and products.

% Advantage of chat feature - Take advantage of the Facebook chat feature and every once in a while chat with a few of your friends who are live on Facebook at the same time that you are. Be friendly and helpful and develop a relationship.

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